455 N. Lacey St.
Jackson, MO 63755
(573) 243-5271
Early Childhood:
(573) 243-5347


Arrival Procedure Video

Dismissal Procedure Video

EC Creative Curriculum Continuum

Progress Report Parent Video

Jackson R-2 Early Childhood Center

east early childhood

During the past 10 years, educators have increasingly turned their attention to research and practices that affect young children. This has been the same for the Jackson R-2 School District. Many programs have been developed that address the significant learning that takes place from birth to five years of age.

The Jackson R-2 Early Childhood program is based on four guiding principles:

  • Parents are vital to the education of their children.
  • Every effort will be made to offer children age three to school age and their families a full continuum of early childhood services that are appropriate for each child.
  • The early childhood program will form partnerships with other community agencies and services available for children age three to school entry.
  • A long lasting partnership will be formed between parents and the school district as each focuses on the education of the child.

East Elementary - 455 N. Lacey St.
243-5347 (phone) 243-7591 (fax)

Brooke Uchtman, Early Childhood Director, [email protected]
Melissa Crisler, PAT & EC Secretary, [email protected]

Early Childhood Class Schedule:

  • Morning students: 8:00- 11:00 a.m.
  • Afternoon students: 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Useful Links

The Jackson R-2 School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs, activities or employment practices.